First Visit

What to Expect in Worship

Each Sunday, we offer two styles of worship: traditional (8:30 and 11:00) and contemporary (9:45).  Our services are about an hour in length and feature dynamic music, readings from the Bible, and a message. Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month. When you come to Trinity, you will see persons in their Sunday best, in their casual dress, and in shorts and T-shirts. We welcome all who come to our services and hope that everyone feels comfortable as they worship with us.


8:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary
11 a.m. in the Sanctuary, on livestream, and on radio broadcast at 100.7 FM

Our traditional services include pews, pulpits, choir lofts, robes for pastors and choirs, daylight streaming through the stained glass, the deep resonant sound of a pipe organ, and the classic touch of a Steinway piano. Voices lifting high in praise of God, an energetic congregation joining in hymns, passionate preaching, and a community gathering to receive the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion—these make up the texture and taste of the traditional worship service.

We move forward with pipes and processionals that help to create an energetic, passionate, uplifting, and spirit-filled worship experience that connects individuals to friends in love, to a cause greater than themselves, and to the kind of worship that fills an empty soul and charges spiritual batteries for the week ahead.

Our traditional services follow the order of liturgical worship found in most United Methodist churches. The Chancel Choir leads our music during worship time on most Sundays, but the traditional worship service may also include choirs of all ages, orchestras,  handbells, chimes, flute, steel pans, trumpet, organ, and piano.


9:45 a.m. Contemporary Service in Moor Hall and on livestream

Fostering community and relationships is a defining quality of this worship service. We allot a significant amount of time to greeting one another, offering prayer requests, sharing Holy Communion, and even discussing the sermon together! While we are ever-mindful to respect the space so often desired by our newcomers, most people find themselves open and willing to connect with this wonderful congregation in just a few short weeks.

Our praise team provides musical leadership through a broad spectrum ranging from fast and energetic rock songs, to ancient hymns in a modern way, to soft and meditative choruses. The sermons are engaging and seek to proclaim the truthfulness of God’s Word in order to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the church and the world. Sermons are approximately 15-20 minutes in length, and will challenge people of all levels of faith to experience and know the love of God shown through Jesus Christ.

We understand finding a church home is difficult, so we strive to create a worship experience that allows people, from all walks of life, to seek God personally and communally. Our hope is that every person who attends the Contemporary Service feels God’s presence, a sense of warmth, and genuine authenticity from the pastors, staff, and church congregants. You are invited to come as you are and be a part of this wonderful Christian community at Trinity!

Contact Rev. Dr. Matthew Williams

Rev. Dr. Matthew is the Senior Pastor. He would love to meet you and help you find your place at Trinity. 


Children of all ages are welcome in our worship services, but we do have a baby nursery (0-18 months) that is located in the educational wing. The nursery is also available during Sunday School.

At the 11 a.m. service, children ages 3-6 are encouraged to attend with their parents, participate in the music, and are invited to the front for a short Children’s Sermon. After that, they are escorted to Children’s Time in the educational wing where they will engage in a half hour of fellowship, snacks, and service projects, as well as singing, dancing, and playing. Parents pick up their children at the conclusion of the service.

Please ask an usher or greeter if you have any questions about children during worship services, or contact the Candace Duclos, Director of Christian Education.

Contact Candace Duclos

Candace is the Director of Christian Education. She would love to hear from you and help get your children connected to our children’s programs.

Sunday School

Because Trinity is a diverse church, we have a variety of Adult Sunday Study Group offerings.
To learn more about each group, click here.

Contact Candace Duclos

Candace Duclos is our Director of Christian Education. If you have questions or would like to get connected with a Sunday School class, reach out to her today.

Want to join
Trinity United Methodist?

Contact Rev. Anna Brook Opalinski at [email protected] or call (850) 222-1120, x103 to find out how!