Adult Sunday School

Sunday School

We have a variety of Adult Sunday Study Group offerings to meet the diverse interests of our congregation.
To learn more about each group, please read the descriptions by clicking on any of the classes below.

All Classes Are In-Person and One is Hybrid

Early Riser Group (Underground) at 8:30

Just Us Gals (Grooms Room) at 9:45

Agape (Rm 305) at 9:45

Betty Phifer Advanced Studies (Rm 307); Hybrid at 9:45

Wesley Bible Study (Conf. Room) at 9:45

Foundations of Scripture (Room 302) at 9:45

Aldersgate (Rm 301) at 9:45

Son Servants (Rm 305) at 11:00

Contact Candace Duclos

Candace is Trinity’s Director of Christian Education. If you have questions or would like to get connected with a Sunday School class, reach out to her today.

Just Us Gals: Just Us Gals is a class for women of all ages. The class functions as a gathering place for women to learn of God’s love while strengthening their faith through various studies relating the Bible and Christianity to their lives, along with fellowship and laughter.

Just Us Gals provides assistance to organizations such as the FSU Wesley Foundation, Operation Shoebox, and Nothing But Nets, as well as various missions and service projects through Trinity and in the local community.

The Gals also meet every few months for brunch.

Koinonia: Koinonia class uses the Faithlink series. Faithlink educates United Methodist Christians on current issues and promotes spiritual growth. Each week, they explore current topics, with background information and related Bible passages that speak to the issues. Since the lessons are electronically sent to the church each week, the subjects are timely and the information current.
Class members with email are sent the lesson prior to Sunday School. Time is given at the beginning of the lesson to review the material. They then discuss the topic in that issue and talk about how as a church or as individuals they can respond and act on it. Faithlink makes every effort to present different sides to each issue and supplies interesting statistics to back up the statements.

Wesley Bible Study: Two of Trinity’s oldest Sunday School classes, Adult Bible Study and Wesley Fellowship, in May 2014 combined to continue to study the Bible in depth in order to gain a firm biblical foundation for their faith. Using the Adult Bible Studies Series published by the United Methodist Publishing House, class members share teacher/leader assignments with informal discussion and active member participation. The topics vary each month and are intended to strengthen the faith of the class through study of the Word. Newcomers are always welcome.

The fellowship of persons of all ages are active in the life of the church, including the choirs, UMW, committees and mission outreach. The combined class will continue a project started by the Wesley Fellowship Class in the 1940s to present Bibles each year to Trinity third-graders.

Bible Journeys: As the name suggests, this is a Sunday School class that uses the Bible as the final authority in teaching. It is led by Dr. Gregg Alexander. The class’s focus is to encourage and foster an in-depth study, understanding, and application of God’s Word. Attendance includes a wide spectrum of ages … from scholarly high-schoolers to seasoned Christian believers in their eighties.


Socially, the group sometimes enjoys a potluck dinner at a member’s home. Individually, we all enjoy the rich Christian friendships we share and the strong support and prayers we receive from one another.


In service, individual members participate in a wide variety of church activities and outreach such as serving meals at “The Shelter” or delivering meals to those in need on Martin Luther King Day. As a group, we typically choose a Christian charity for a special Christmas contribution, such as “Shoeboxes to Haiti” mission outreach, “Hope House,” and many others.

Our mission is this: To know and share the Good News of JESUS CHRIST! Come join us.

Aldersgate: The ages of class members vary widely from mid-thirties to 60 plus. From its very beginnings 30 years ago, Aldersgate has been a class characterized by a lively discussion on a wide range of topics. It is definitely not a lecture class.

Subjects that are covered range from Bible studies to contemporary issues; from Christian theology to world religions; from spiritual growth to social activism. While class members’ views often differ, individuals strive to listen and learn from one another, embracing both their differences and their common desire to grow in faith.

Class time includes a brief period of socializing and sharing, followed by discussion on the scheduled topic. Typically, the class plans its study schedule a year in advance.

In addition to Sunday morning class time, the Aldersgate class has frequent social gatherings, such as dinner at a local restaurant, a play or movie together, or a “game night” at a member’s home. The class’s annual Christmas brunch, held each year in early December, is a much anticipated gathering not only of class members, but also extended family, friends, and class alumni.

Aldersgate engages in frequent service projects, including assisting with Shelter meals, addressing needs of children in foster care or youth transitioning out of foster care, as well as other projects brought the attention of the class by members.

Son Servants: Come join the Son Servants  at 11:00AM in room 305 for a lively discussion of “A Gentle Answer – our ‘Secret Weapon’ in an age of us against them.” Even if you don’t have a book come join us.

Want to join
Trinity United Methodist?

Contact Rev. Anna Brook Opalinski at [email protected] or call (850) 222-1120, x103 to find out how!