Serve Around the World
Serve Around the World
We are proud to partner with three amazing non-profit organizations, Porch de Salomon, ZOE Empowers, and United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). Read more about each below.

Mission Trips to Porch de Salomon
Each year, members of Trinity UMC travel to Panajachel, Guatemala, on a mission trip to serve the needy people in this Central American country. Trinity has been working with Porch de Salomon in Guatemala since 2011.
The purpose of the trip is threefold:
- To build a house for an impoverished family
- To provide medical care for those who rarely, if ever, see a doctor
- To conduct a bible school for hundreds of children
Trinity will be sending a team to Guatemala on October 7-14, 2023. If you’re interested in participating, please contact Jayne Mittan.
Porch de Salomon
“Solomon’s Porch was an ancient, open place where people seeking transformation gathered to explore Jesus of Nazareth’s radical message of love and redemption. With this in mind, God has used us, and many others, to develop friendships and relationships in Panajachel, Guatemala, the world’s #4 hippie travel destination. Porch is among Central America’s most progressive Jesus-based ministries; we serve, smile, walk and cry with the indigenous, Ladino, expatriates and tourists.
Porch seeks to provide a “safe” place where you can be yourself, celebrated as an individual, whether ministering or being ministered to, and know you are part of God’s creation, with a special purpose in life. While we are open to divine answers, we also look to dwell in the mystery that is life in “the Way.” We invite you to this place with no preconceived notions of who you should be. If you are looking for an experience that will challenge you, stretch your faith, and welcome you into something bigger than yourself, then come be a part of what God is doing through Porch de Salomon.”
“Zoe Empowers equips orphans and vulnerable children to overcome poverty in only three years. We disrupt cycles of poverty among vulnerable youth through a peer-led program in which participants help one another become safe and healthy, skilled for long-term success, and able to lead meaningful lives within a supportive community.
We focus on self-sufficiency from the start by organizing youth into mutual support groups who receive modest inputs and training from the Zoe network and local community leaders. Over the course of our three-year program, these young people take responsibility for their individual and collective growth, achieving sustainable success across every area of life and empowering others to do the same.”
Trinity's Partnership with Umurava Group
We sponsored a group of youth in Ntongwe, Rwanda, from 2018-2021. The group recently graduated from ZOE Empower’s program with spectacular success. During the three years, participants were able to achieve food and housing security, learn trades, open businesses, send their younger siblings to school, build a support system, and become valued members of their communities.
United Methodist Committee on Relief
As the humanitarian relief and development arm of The United Methodist Church, the United Methodist Committee on Relief assists United Methodists and churches to become involved globally in direct ministry to persons in need.
Trinity has supported UMCOR financially for years. Through our partnership, we have been able to send funds to those who need it most. In 2022, we sent $22,635.25 to support relief efforts in Ukraine.
Contact Jayne Mittan
Jayne is the Chair of the World Missions Committee. If you’re interested in learning more about these programs, reach out to her today.