Historical Resources

Quarterly Publication


Audio-Visual Media

Bicentennial Page

History of Trinity United Methodist Church Videos
History of Trinity United Methodist Church Audios


1. Historic Church Registers

Six of Trinity’s historic Church Registers that list pastors, members, marriages, baptisms, etc. are now available online:

(To search in the open document, Press Ctrl-F and enter the search criteria. A hard copy of these newly transcribed books is available for personal perusal in the Heritage Room at Trinity.) Please contact Lynn McLarty with any questions or feedback concerning the church registers.

2. Quarterly Conference Minutes (Book 1 and 2 are divided into sections for easier download.)

3. Fifty-Year Church
(A Presentation to Trinity Lay Academy on April 29, 2015, by E. Lynn McLarty)

4. “More Than Bricks and Mortar,” a Lay Academy Series
September 13, 2017: Linda Yates, “From Frontier Faith to a Heart for the City,” Full Article
September 13, 2017: Linda Yates, “From Frontier Faith to a Heart for the City,” PowerPoint
September 27, 2017: The Rev. Dr. Wayne Wiatt “Chancel Windows”
October 4, 2017: Lynn McLarty, “Missional Outreach”

5. World War II Letters

6. Trinity Bicentennial Timeline 

Learn more about Trinity's history:

Historical Society

The Historical Society is responsible for showing and telling the history of Trinity through the publication of its quarterly newsletter Crossroads, displays of documents and artifacts, and sponsorship of  presentations and meetings.  

The Historical Society is open to anyone who is interested in or wishes to be involved with church history.   

Committee for the Preservation of Church History

The CPCH is a ministry of the Church Council with members appointed by the Council and with other individuals who serve as associate members. The CPCH is responsible for researching and preserving the many documents, journals, reports, photographs, recordings, and other material relevant to our church history.

Contact Pam Crosby, publications editor, for more info.

Want to join
Trinity United Methodist?

Contact Rev. Anna Brook Opalinski at [email protected] or call (850) 222-1120, x103 to find out how!