Frequently Asked Questions

How long do the services last?

Our services typically last about an hour.

Where do I park?

Parking can be found in various locations around the church.

  • In front of the church along Park Avenue
  • In the Leon County Public Library parking lot via the entrance off of Duval Street directly across the street from the church (see marker on map)
  • In the small lot behind the church off of Call Street (see marker on map)

What should I wear?

For the traditional services, people tend to wear a bit more dressy attire than they do at the contemporary service. When you come to Trinity, you will see persons in their Sunday best, in their casual dress, and in shorts and T-shirts. We welcome all who come to our services and hope that everyone feels comfortable as they worship with us.

Can children come to the services?

Children of all ages are welcome in our worship services, but we do have a baby nursery (0-18 months) that is located in the educational wing. The nursery is also available during Sunday School.

Children ages 3-6 are encouraged to come to church and then go to Worship Enrichment in the middle of the service where they will spend approximately thirty minutes of supervised activities with a small snack. That allows the parents to return to the service and then pick up their children after church.

Please ask an usher or greeter if you have any questions about children during worship services.

I cannot make it to church this Sunday. How can I listen to the sermon and service?

Please visit our online worship resources page.

Want to join
Trinity United Methodist?

Contact Rev. Anna Brook Opalinski at [email protected] or call (850) 222-1120, x103 to find out how!